
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCA)

SCA is a twelve-step fellowship inclusive of all sexual orientations, open to anyone with a desire to recover from sexual compulsion. We are not group therapy, but a spiritual program that provides a safe environment for working on problems of sexual addiction and sexual sobriety. Our program is one of suggestions–not of rules. Each member is invited to “take what you like and leave the rest.” This means that you are free to use any tools and suggestions from SCA that work best for you.

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (S.L.A.A.)

S.L.A.A. is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition-oriented Fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. S.L.A.A. is open to anyone who knows or thinks they have a problem with sex addiction, love addiction, romantic obsession, co-dependent relationships, fantasy addiction or sexual, social and emotional anorexia.

Sexual Recovery Anonymous (SRA)

SRA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop compulsive sexual behavior. Sexual Recovery Anonymous (SRA) was founded in Vancouver, BC Canada in November of 1990 by Murray R. In 1993, a group of meetings began in New York City and in 1998 meetings were started in Los Angeles. Meetings can also be found in Europe and many other places as well. SRA was founded on the principle of A.A.’s Third Tradition, which states as adapted that the only requirement for SRA membership is a desire to stop compulsive and destructive sexual behavior. This ensured that the fellowship would be all-inclusive — open to anyone, regardless of sexual orientation or religious background. The SRA preamble states, “We have found through our experience that sobriety includes freedom from masturbation and sex outside a mutually-committed relationship.” Sexual Recovery Anonymous has been participating in the Inter-Fellowship Forum since 1998.
(Approved by SRA General Service Board 10/22/2006)

COSA is a 12-step recovery program for men and women whose lives have been affected by another person’s compulsive sexual behavior.